Saturday, April 4, 2015

Happy Easter Sunday!

I've been wanting to switch out my fall/winter wardrobe for my spring/summer wardrobe for over a month now.

Last week I spent two hours replacing all my white plastic hangers that I had accumulated since college for these Huggable Hangers which came highly recommended by fellow GYPO challengers.

What do you think?

BEFORE                                                     AFTER

I don't know if it really made that much of a difference.  In fact, it took longer to hang clothes on the hangers and take them off, but I do love the look of the shiny hooks against the rods.  Looking at the bottom row of pants, I may go with black hangers since the white really sticks out.

So I signed up for the GYPO Spring 2015 Challenge and you should too if you haven't already!  It's not too late to join.  The outfits will be released next Monday.

The GYPO shopping list came out this past Friday and I feel confident in filling the gaps of my spring wardrobe with it, except in order to do so, I need to first assess what I have!

Both of these blogs, Putting Me Together and A Little Bit of Cheer, have great guidelines on how to clean out your closet.

It seems like the only time I can do a closet purge is between the hours of midnight and 2 am.

The GYPO challenges are a great resource for fashion ideas and inspiration.  I learned two really neat and simple wardrobe tricks that make it easy to distinguish between the clothes you wear and the ones you don't.  This would be super useful in a closet purge at the end of a season!  The first method is to hang all your hangers backwards on the closet rod and turn them around once you've worn the item.  The second method is to tie a ribbon on your closet rod and then as you wear your clothes, move the hanger to the other side of the ribbon.  I'm going to try the ribbon method.

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